Өлең, жыр, ақындар

How my daily life  has changed at university

Student life is full of bright moments. Studentship and youth are two sisters. The moment of admission to the university is very exciting. It was different at school. School time is the most carefree time. Time for games, exploring the world and communicating with peers. And then all this will happen, but in an adult way. There was time at school to prepare, to choose the right subjects. As a schoolboy gets older, he thinks more about what he should do in life. But, unfortunately, our dreams do not always become reality. But, despite this, many school graduates go to the university they wanted. It's time to get acquainted with classmates. Everyone is the same as you. They don't know anything yet, the institute building is very large. It is very difficult to quickly find the right audience. There are new subjects that were not in school. The requirements are completely different now. UNT in comparison with them is a warm–up before serious loads. There are a lot of subjects, each teacher requires that his subject be known perfectly. Student life is a time of new acquaintances, it is at the university that you can meet many interesting and educated people, someone at this time finds their love and best friends. Many guys have to work in order to continue studying. They have very little time, but somehow they manage to combine work and study. In the morning on couples, in the evening at work, and at night for textbooks. It's a difficult rhythm, but you need to build your future. It is while studying at the university that many face injustice. A lot happens in life. Student time is the best time, a person learns about life, makes many interesting connections and acquaintances, learns a profession and gets the skills necessary for work and communication. Then the experts who know their business come out of ordinary students.

Zhenishbekkyzy Kamilla

1st year student of the Faculty of chemistry and chemical technology in KazNu
Under the leadership of G.S.Kairakbaeva

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